Free Music Collection: December 2010

I should have crafted a massive year end list that overwhelmed you with hundreds of my favorites.. but honestly that sounds too daunting for me to even think about. So I’ll present this month’s like any other, approx. 40 links to get you started exploring the free music abyss. On the year end list note, I won’t be completely passing up the opportunity to share the artists that got stuck on repeat. I’ll be contributing to a year’s end project far greater than I could have accomplished myself.. so stay tuned in the coming weeks for that!

If you need new music daily rather than monthly, follow me on twitter @thinkorsmile. I typically post links there as they are discovered. Or you can follow my twitter list of music bloggers who are doing the dirty work of digging these artists up. Happy exploring.

Think or Smile | Free Music Collection: December 2010

I’ll admit, I don’t really like Christmas music. At always the same generic overproduced garbage year after year. Luckily for me (and you), Unholy Rhythms and Cactus Mouth have put an end to the vicious cycle. They got together some of the year’s best artists and asked them to created an exclusive holiday track. The results are too good not to share. Artists involved are: BAnanas Symphony, Unouomedude, Ra Calium, Danniell Radall, Closed Cassette, Megafortress, Craig Cruiser, Dream Band, Ricky Eat Acid, Guerre, Holy Spirits, Martha! Mother, SNOWMINE and Mutual Benefit.

“Holiday Sweaters & Egg Nog” A Cactus Mouth & U/R Christmas 2010 Mix

Happy holidays!

If you’re feeling any of these artists show ‘em some love and go see them live. As always, if you have any music to share hit me up on TwitterFacebook or good old fashioned email.


1 Comment

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by GrassHouses and HI54LOFI, Nathaniel Whitcomb. Nathaniel Whitcomb said: Free Music Collection, December edition: Approx. 40 free folkpop/synthpop/electronic/beat/experimental lps, eps & mixes [...]

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Think or Smile | Nathaniel Whitcomb © 2010